Search Results for: diocese abuse

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled Monday that the identities of 11 clergy implicated in the grand jury investigation of child sexual abuse in Catholic Dioceses in Pennsylvania would not be revealed. The court, citing Article 1, Section 1 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, ordered that the names of the individuals be permanently redacted on “Report 1” [...]


The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently launched an investigation into the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania. The central focus of the inquiry seeks to determine whether there have been violations of federal child sex-crimes and related crimes among Church leaders. This investigation raises a number of critical issues, including the potential impacts on American law and [...]


The Cardinal of the Archdiocese of New York on Thursday announced  that he has secured outside assistance from a former federal judge and prosecutor to investigate church policies surrounding sexual abuse allegations. Barbara Jones is a former judge who served on the bench for 16 years in the US District Court for the Southern District [...]


After the release of the grand jury report  last month that exposed  widespread abuse within the Catholic Church, hundreds of victims across Pennsylvania have been invited to join a massive class action lawsuit filed  in Allegheny County on Monday. Plaintiffs Ryan O’Connor and Kristen Hancock, on behalf of her minor child, are suing all eight [...]


A grand jury report  released by Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro on Tuesday found that the Roman Catholic Church covered up more than 1,000 sexual abuse allegations against more than 300 priests across six Pennsylvania dioceses. The report comprised the findings of the Fortieth statewide investigating grand jury , a grand jury convened in  2016 by [...]


The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania issued a stay of proceedings Wednesday, suspending the release of a grand jury investigation regarding sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests. The report was expected to run hundreds of pages long, including interviews with victims, covering six dioceses . There is no information as to who filed the appeal for [...]